Text reads Little things can mean a lot. Purple background with icons inside multicoloured circles.

Little things can mean a lot

If someone you know has Crohn's or Colitis, the little things you do can make a big difference to them.

It can be really hard to know how best to help someone who’s living with Crohn’s or Colitis. You might feel anxious or powerless because you can’t take their condition away. That’s totally natural. The good news is that there are lots of things you can do to help.

You’ll find some suggestions of little things you can do to help someone living with Crohn’s or Colitis below.

I want to help...

Little things

You don’t have to come up with grand gestures or always know exactly what to say. It could be as simple as making them a cup of tea, filling a hot water bottle, offering a lift to a medical appointment, or even just sitting together on the sofa watching TV when they’re too tired to do anything else.


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Helpline service


We know it can be difficult to live with, or support someone living with these conditions. But you’re not alone. We provide up-to-date, evidence-based information and can support you to live well with Crohn’s or Colitis.

Our helpline team can help by:

  • Providing information about Crohn’s and Colitis.

  • Listening and talking through your situation.

  • Helping you to find support from others in the Crohn’s and Colitis community.

  • Providing details of other specialist organisations.

Please be aware we’re not medically or legally trained. We cannot provide detailed financial or benefits advice or specialist emotional support.

Please contact us via telephone, email or LiveChat - 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday (except English bank holidays).

If you need specific medical advice about your condition, your GP or IBD team will be best placed to help.

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