Rip Off Britain presenters

BBC Rip Off Britain looks into unfair prescription charges in England

The popular BBC TV series Rip Off Britain has aired a feature on the current unfair prescription charge system in England which sees around 30% of people with long term conditions such as Crohn's and Colitis not picking up their prescriptions due to cost, with the consequential effect on health and wellbeing. 

As co-chairs of the Prescription Charges Coalition with Parkinson’s UK and NRAS, Crohn’s and Colitis UK has been working with producers at the BBC to air an item on the current arbitrary and antiquated prescription charge exemption regime in England which is 50 years old next year. Prescriptions are currently free of charge in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. 

BBC Rip Off Britain with Gloria Hunniford, Angela Rippon and Julia Somerville, aired on Friday 20th October and featured David and Zoe who struggle to pay for their prescriptions they need to keep them well and participating in everyday life. The programme particularly highlighted the discrepancy between England and the rest of the UK.

In a recent survey conducted by the Prescription Charges Coalition, of those respondents living with Inflammatory Bowel Disease who said that didn’t take their medication properly, 48% said that the cost of their medication was the biggest factor.

This is why over the next year in the run up to the 50th anniversary in June 2018 of the unfair regime in England, Crohn’s and Colitis UK will along with members of the Coalition, be lobbying the UK Government hard to force positive change on this crucial issue.

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