Crohn’s & Colitis UK Director of Services, Advocacy and Evidence gives evidence to Homecare Medicines Services Inquiry

Ruth Wakeman, our Director of Services, Advocacy and Evidence gave evidence yesterday to the House of Lords Public Services Committee after it decided to launch a rapid inquiry into ongoing safety and reliability concerns with Homecare Medicines Services.

For the last six months we have been working closely with the British Society of Rheumatology (BSR), the British Society of Gastroenterology (BSG) and other patient charities to call for a review of Homecare Medicine Services. This inquiry represents the first time the sector, now worth £2bn annually, has been evaluated by policymakers in over a decade.

Talking about the session Ruth said,

At Crohn’s & Colitis UK, we pride ourselves on being the leading expert voice for people with Inflammatory Bowel Disease. I am hugely grateful to have been given the opportunity to tell the Lords Committee just how big an issue this has been for people with IBD. Many rely on the delivery of vital supplies so that they can go about their everyday lives.

Nobody should have their mental or physical health compromised because of a substandard service. If people with Crohn’s or Colitis do not receive their medicines on time they can experience serious complications, which may require emergency medical treatment or even surgery. Lifelong health conditions are stressful enough without having to worry about missed deliveries and chasing customer services.

People deserve better and we hope this inquiry can bring about real change.

Ruth Wakeman, Director of Services, Advocacy and Evidence

We were joined by the BSR, represented by Sarah Campbell and the BSG, represented by Dr Christian Selinger. You can watch the evidence session here.

Two further sessions are due to take place with the committee hearing evidence from the Chief Pharmaceutical Officer for England, the National Clinical Homecare Association (NCHA), the National Homecare Medicines Committee (NHMC), the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS), the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI), the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and the NHS body responsible for evaluating the performance of Homecare Services in England.

In addition to submitting oral evidence, we will also submit written evidence with recommendations for the committee to consider at the end of the inquiry. Our key demand will be that a holistic review of Homecare Medicine Services should be carried out by the NHS.

At the end of the inquiry, the Public Services Committee will write to the Minister for Health laying out their findings and putting forward recommendations for improvement.

We will continue to collaborate with BSR the BSG and other patient charities to continue to raise awareness of the issues you are facing with Homecare Medicine Services. Our next steps will be to support the Scottish homecare review promised by the Chief Pharmaceutical Officer.  

If you would like to share your experience with Homecare Medicine Services please contact


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