It has been a battle to live with Colitis for so long.
There was nothing in terms of support, and it took me years to get a diagnosis. I was just told that it was growing pains, despite being 20 years old. There was very little knowledge, and it was put down to bowel problems because of food. Eventually, I sought a second opinion from a different GP and was referred to a hospital for diagnosis. Even there, it seemed like little was known about what was wrong with me.
At first I was on a high dose of prednisolone which made me gain weight and feel very fatigued. After some time and a new drug, I stabilised and learned how to live with the condition. If I went out, the first I’d do is look for a toilet.
In 1999 I started working for my local council and thought I would tell them about my Colitis to see how they could support me. Due to the fatigue and urgent need to use a toilet, I was hoping occupational health could advise me on some adjustments and how to manage things while I was a work.
I was taking days off which affected my sickness record and really wanted someone to support me who had knowledge of the condition.
I continued to have uncontrollable flare-ups and was admitted to hospital in 2006. This led to emergency surgery, and I woke up with a stoma. I had my colon and anal passage removed so I have a permanent ileostomy.
Due to some infections which prolonged my stay I was in hospital into the following year but the support I received from work was so different from when I first joined.
When I went back to work I was using a wheelchair as I had lost all my muscle tone, but a physiotherapist was working with me to get me back on my feet.
I went back to occupational health and the new nurse was great. They arranged all sorts of adjustments for me. I had specialist chair with a height adjustable table, a designated parking space, and amended sick leave arrangements.
At home I was supported by my partner and family. As my partner is a nurse, he was not fazed by the aftercare I needed, or the hospital equipment I’d brought home with me.
I'm more confident, able to go abroad, and don't need to always look out for the toilets. I like to use my experience to reassure others.
I have an annual review to make sure everything is okay, and I have this amazing support network to help me with everything. My partner, my stoma nurses who I have great relationships with, and my consultant who is still with me having done my operation all those years ago.
Your life doesn't end due to a stoma. Life began when I had my stoma.
Things have come on so far since my diagnosis and my surgery. I strongly feel that Crohn’s & Colitis UK have helped lead the way and many these changes are thanks to them.
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