How much is fatigue affecting your life? Find out by taking our test to assess the severity, frequency and duration of your fatigue.


How much is fatigue affecting your life? Find out by taking our test to assess the severity, frequency and duration of your fatigue.


In-depth qualitative interviews with our study volunteers confirmed that fatigue is a big issue with a severe impact on many areas of life. They also confirmed a need for a tool to measure fatigue, to enable people with IBD to discuss fatigue with their health care professionals and test interventions and treatments.

Fatigue scales have been used in many other conditions to help patients and doctors measure levels of fatigue. Before this research study there had been no fatigue scale for people with IBD.

Our fatigue scale - which can be accessed and scored below - will enable people living with IBD to:

  • self-assess their fatigue and the impact it has on their lives
  • more easily raise their fatigue symptoms with healthcare professionals
  • assess whether changes in lifestyle are having any impact on fatigue levels
  • discuss their fatigue with family, friends and employers

People with IBD may wish to take a completed fatigue scale to appointments with their health care team.


Healthcare professionals can use the fatigue scale to assess, measure and monitor patients' fatigue over time. Click to find more IBD resources for Healthcare Professionals. 


Find more information on Fatigue in IBD including some of the causes, ways to manage it, talking to others about it, and the help and support available.

If you would like any help in using the scale or would like to send your feedback please email 


If you would rather complete your self assessment on paper you may download and print off the pdf instead. Then check against the scoring instructions.

The downloadable paper self-assessment includes a third section with a space for you to write comments about your fatigue, which you may fill in if you find it helpful. Please note that these additional questions are only available on the paper form and not on the electronic form on our website.

  • Section 1 - Fatigue Assessment Scale (5 questions)

    This section of the questionnaire will identify fatigue, its severity, frequency and duration.

    Sometimes people with IBD feel fatigued. The term 'fatigue' is used throughout this questionnaire. Fatigue has been defined as a sense of continuing tiredness, with periods of sudden and overwhelming lack of energy or a feeling of exhaustion that is not relieved following rest or sleep.

    Please answer all the questions. The possible answers to the questions are:
    Score from 0 – 4, with 0: No fatigue. 4: Severe fatigue.

    1. What is your fatigue level right NOW?!


    2. What was your HIGHEST fatigue level in the past two weeks?


    3. What was your LOWEST fatigue level in the past two weeks?


    4. What was your AVERAGE fatigue level in the past two weeks?


    The possible answers to this question are:

    0: None of the time. 1: Some of the time. 2: Often. 3: Most of the time. 4: All of the time.

    5. How much of your waking time have you felt fatigued in the past two weeks?


    You must answer all the required questions in section 1 to view your score

    YOUR RESULT: {{firstSectionScore}}

    What does your score mean?

    0 You don't have fatigue
    1 - 10 You have slight to moderate fatigue and we suggest you seek medical advice
    11 - 20 Fatigue has a severe affect on your daily activities and we suggest you seek medical advice
    If you scored 1 or more in section 1, please continue to section 2
  • Section 2 - IBD-Fatigue impact on Daily Activities Scale (30 questions)

    This section assesses the perceived impact of fatigue on your daily activities in the past two weeks.

    The possible answers to this question are:
    0: None of the time. 1: Some of the time. 2: Often. 3: Most of the time. 4: All of the time.

    If a particular activity does not apply to you, for example you do not drive, please select N/A.

    {{index + 1}}. {{question}}


    You must answer all the required questions in section 2 to view your score

    YOUR RESULT: {{secondSectionScore}}

    What does your score mean?

    0 You don't have fatigue
    1 - {{ secondSectionMaxScore / 2 }} You have slight to moderate fatigue and we suggest you seek medical advice
    {{ (secondSectionMaxScore / 2) + 1 }} - {{ secondSectionMaxScore }} Fatigue has a severe affect on your daily activities and we suggest you seek medical advice


Enter your email address below to have your results sent to you.

These could also be useful to your GP or healthcare professional during an appointment.

Please note we do not store your results.
{{ emailErrorMessage }}
Please note we do not store your results.
Helpline service


We know it can be difficult to live with, or support someone living with these conditions. But you’re not alone. We provide up-to-date, evidence-based information and can support you to live well with Crohn’s or Colitis.

Our helpline team can help by:

  • Providing information about Crohn’s and Colitis.

  • Listening and talking through your situation.

  • Helping you to find support from others in the Crohn’s and Colitis community.

  • Providing details of other specialist organisations.

Please be aware we’re not medically or legally trained. We cannot provide detailed financial or benefits advice or specialist emotional support.

Please contact us via telephone, email or LiveChat - 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday (except English bank holidays).

If you need specific medical advice about your condition, your GP or IBD team will be best placed to help.

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