Rack of vials in research laboratory

The pioneering new research projects we’re funding this year

Published 25 February 2025

We are excited to announce that following a competitive grant call in 2024 we are funding three new research projects, totaling £382,000. We are extremely thankful to our amazing donors, fundraisers, and those who have left us legacies, without their hard work and generosity this would not have been possible. Directly funding research is one of the three key elements of our research strategy. Our annual research grant call supports researchers to better understand causes and develop new treatments to improve the lives of people living with Crohn’s and Colitis.

Our 2024 grant call asked for proposals which targeted an area of unmet need in Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). We identified these as areas of importance for people living with IBD and in line with the James Lind Alliance Priorities for IBD.

We had a number of excellent applications which were assessed by our Research Awards Panel which includes people with scientific and medical expertise as well as people with lived experience of IBD. Shortlisted applications underwent rigorous external peer review in line with the Association of Medical Research Charities (AMRC) guidelines.

You can read more about our research management processes and how we fund research here.

Learn more about the three successful projects below:  

Learning more about fatigue in Crohn’s and Colitis in children and young people.

Who is leading this research: Dr Paul Henderson, University of Edinburgh

Our funding: £149,807.35

Duration: 24 months

Understanding more about fatigue in children and young people will help us to drive new research and find new ways of managing fatigue.

Dr Paul Henderson, University of Edinburgh 

Learn more about this research

Working towards personalised treatment for Crohn’s Disease

Who is leading this research: Professor Miles Parkes

Our funding: £82,514

Duration: 24 months

If we can understand which medicines will work for different people, it will allow newly diagnosed people to be given medicines which work for them from the start.

Professor Miles Parkes, University of Cambridge

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Using modafinil as a treatment for severe fatigue in Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Who is leading this research: Dr Calum Moulton, King’s College London

Our funding: £149,679.42

Duration: 24 months

We hope this trial will begin a new dawn of medication treatments for fatigue in IBD.

Dr Calum Moulton, King's College London

Learn more about this research

Want to be part of research?

The best quality research happens when people with Crohn's and Colitis are involved, and you can make a difference at every stage of research.


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  • Providing information about Crohn’s and Colitis.

  • Listening and talking through your situation.

  • Helping you to find support from others in the Crohn’s and Colitis community.

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